
Soft Muskie Baits (Pre-Bulldawg)

Posted on December 3, 2012 by .

When it comes to musky fishing, jerk baits and crankbaits have been the standard, but recently, something new has come along that has fisherman scratching their heads. A new mystery bait made of plastic has been pulling in huge muskies at Eagle Lake, Ontario, but even the most experienced fishermen aren’t sure how to use it….

Canada’s Best – Eagle Lake, Ontario

Posted on November 23, 2012 by .

There are a lot of prime muskie waters in North America, with many being located in northwest Ontario. Practically every resort owner sings the praises of his own body of water, and naturally, they all contain “world record” fish. Aside from all the bull, where are the best waters, and who can an angler trust?…

Come and Fish Beautiful Eagle Lake in Ontario, Canada

Posted on November 1, 2012 by .

For many years, people have relied on fishing for relaxation, sport, and food. Today, fishing enthusiasts still enjoy the best fishing at Andy Myers Lodge in Ontario, Canada. We offer cozy, modern accommodations, gorgeous natural scenery, and some of the finest fishing in Canada. Whether you’re interested in muskie fishing, competitive bass fishing, or you…

Jigs Catch Fish!

Posted on October 18, 2012 by .

Although the popularity of jig fishing has seen a resurgence in recent years, they’re hardly a new invention.  Popularized in the early 1970s by Musky Hunter field editors Spence Petros and Tony Portincaso, they are now widely used for muskie fishing.  Their newly realized effectiveness has been the cause of increased use and some wonderful…

The Legend of Eagle Lake: Northwestern Ontario, Canada

Posted on October 10, 2012 by .

Telling Tales One night during the summer of 2012, Steve Herbeck stood on the dock of Andy Myer’s Lodge and passed around photos of a 35-pound muskie.  It was the second he had caught in as many days fishing in Eagle Lake, Ontario, Canada. All the muskie fishermen were bragging but Steve was the only one…