Bill Hedden

Hooked on Muskies – Now What Do I Do?

Posted on December 13, 2019 by .

I remember vividly when my brother Tom was still trying to catch his first muskie. At the beginning of his trip, we were fishing an island with a sneaky little weedbed on the side opposite a well-known reef. His first cast into the weeds was hit hard by a big fish that came up to…

Using My Head (Finally!) for Big Muskies

Posted on March 31, 2017 by .

A Pattern Across Years My eyes were still watering from the cold late October run down Ontario’s Eagle Lake when a nice musky followed my walleye tube to the boat, made a halfhearted turn, and drifted back down into the ghostly depths.  Though I wasn’t encouraged by the fish’s body language, it was nice to…